Thursday, September 20, 2012

Some Fall Fun...

Are you loving BLT as much as we are? Goodness, I'm not sure a person should have as much fun at work as Lynne and I do on these shows, but we do love them!

So....some highlights of today's show!!

Well...first of all, if you've not yet visited it, don't miss our We Like it Wednesdays Pinterest board! It's the place Lynne and I pin all the fun stuff we encounter that you just might like to know about!

One of Lynne's pins this week matched her ever so touching story about her niece Taryn's wedding this past weekend. Seriously, people, if you missed Lynne's story about the idea God gave her for this wedding, RUN to the archives and listen to the show. I have heard the story four times now and I've gotten goose bumps every time. Oh my goodness. Go hear it. Seriously.

And here's the gift Lynne gave Taryn...gorgeous way to decorate a card!

We also heard some very funny stories about outfits listeners (or their kids) insisted upon wearing in those formative years. You know what we mean. That one outfit that would be worn every single day without laundering, if allowed...if you didn't have one, chances are good you know someone who did.

Would love to show you a picture of mine but...oh wait. No, that's not true. I would not love to show you. That portion of my life is better left unviewed. (Think poofy bangs and that should be enough to make you thank me for a lack of picture.)

How about favorite fall foods/drinks? Do you have one? My own mama became so inspired by this chat that she got up and made a pumpkin pie when the show was over! Here is my favorite fall drink. Apple Pie Chai from McConn Coffee Shop on the IWU Campus.

(Please note I had, in fact, cried off every stitch of my makeup earlier in the day, so I look, um, scary. In a "happy to be holding this apple pie chai" sort of way.)

Want a sneak peek of next week's BLT show?

* HINT * The Brady family dog, Tiger, was killed by a car between seasons on the show. A replacement dog proved unworkable. The doghouse remained on the set because one of the studio lights fell and burned a hole through the astroturf, and the doghouse covered up the burned spot.

(Confession: I never realized the dog disappeared from the show.)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's a Special Day Around Here...

Because SOMEONE has a birthday!!! Wanna know who? It's none other than the lovely hostess with the mostest of Mid-Morning. LYNNE FORD!!!!

And so today, I would like to wish my dear friend a happy birthday by saying all the reasons I wish I could be like her when I grow up.

1. You always know how to make a girl feel loved. This was our first ever picture together, taken circa November 2010...when I arrived at mic 7 as a guest. You made my first radio interview a warm, wonderful, scrapbook worthy experience and you complimented my sweater dress and boots. I left feeling loved.
 2. You are so gracious when someone has an idea. I was such a newbie when I came to you with this crazy idea to start a monthly cooking show. I should have been sitting at my desk reading my 39 page manual and learning how to be a producer, but when I shared my idea, your eyes lit up and you said "Let's do THAT!" And you even named it. An idea is so much more loved when it is named.
 3. You dive in to everyone's loves with such abandon. When you were assigned to work the Gaither concert with me (aka David Phelps was in the HOUSE!) you didn't ask to be reassigned. You showed up and stood next to this crazy glowing girl who BARELY could contain the fact that DAVID PHELPS was in the next room. Nothing is ever too stupid. You see the delightful dorkiness in EVERYONE.
 4. You make work a joy. We look wiped out in this picture because...we were! A whole day of work followed by a whole evening of wearing heels and working the biggest concert event we'd had to date that year - and at the end, my favorite part was sitting next to you and being SO thankful that my every work day includes YOU!
 5. You put your heart into everything you do. I watched you prepare wholeheartedly for SHARE 2012...finding quotes and verses and stories that would feed listeners' souls...and then you arrived every day with iced tea and a smile and you gave the longer days your all.
 6. You are so classy. I may never (okay I LIKELY will never) have the grace and presence you have, but I can dream! I love watching you share with people from the stage. They love you. They should. You're lovable.
 7. You're stinkin' fun!! Anyone who will read a book with bronze children for the love of a photo shoot is someone I want as a friend. I love, love, love how fun you are.
 8. You are an AMAZING host. Seriously. Oh my goodness. I love being on air with you, but mostly I love watching you at work. Whatever comes at you - you make it work. You are AMAZING.
 9. You are the best golf cart driver IN THE WORLD. Okay I can't even type that with a straight face. Though you nearly cost me my right side to a set of bushes...I still love hanging out with you in a golf cart on a 100 degree day because you are stinkin' fun!! (See number 7.) (Stinkin' was not intended to have a double meaning.) (I'm sorry I really did stink this day.)
 10. You love what you love and you are confident in who you are. (Even if it means a double fisted iced tea day.) I so long to one day know who I am as much as you know who you are. It is inspiring.

Happy birthday, my dear friend! Life is a joy with you in it. May God shower abundant blessing on your next year! I love you!

Monday, September 17, 2012


When I walked into this office on my first day of work, I was greeted by a jar full of chocolate covered coffee beans, a coffee-scented candle burning brightly, and a brand new mouse pad that says "It must be nearly time for coffee." Jamie handed me the 39 page training manual she'd painstakingly written just for me, and we launched into training: day one. I've never loved a job more and yet found myself as overwhelmed by exhaustion at the end of that first day. I wasn't sure I had the brain cells to learn a whole new world of lingo and skills.

Jamie ever so patiently reminded me that there was a huge learning curve to this job. It's true. When people ask me what I do all day - I ask them how long they have to listen. I do so many different things throughout the course of the day and most of it happens as a bit of a juggling act. Read this while that loads...sort these while that get it.

Jamie also asked me to give myself grace (say WHAT???) to learn the job slowly. She said it might take me a while to get the hang of the whole thing. Maybe even a couple of years. That was a lot to ask of a girl who likes everything learned by 4:00 this afternoon!

New stuff is overwhelming. New just takes a while to settle into it!

Last Friday, we talked to Dr. Taffy Anderson, who stepped out of her OB/GYN shoes for a while and stepped into the patient's shoes when she faced a breast cancer diagnosis. Hair loss. Exhaustion. Nausea. Feeling forgotten in the darkness.


Then we talked to Crystal Renaud, who found herself entrenched in a porn addiction at the age of 10. Now as an adult, she's gained victory in that area of her life and she spends her days ministering to other women who bravely confess to porn addictions.


Today we opened our Author! Author! show with Lori Hogan, who has written a book for physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted caregivers. Those who have to embrace a role no one ever really wants to take on.


There was the friend who emailed me asking if I ever felt overwhelmed by the job when I was first learning it, because she felt overwhelmed by her new job. (See above for my answer to that.)


What about the one who waited 13 years to have a baby and then had to set aside dreams and visions of snuggly evenings and sweet outings because her son had colic for the first six months?


What about the one who thought she would never be loved and then found herself tossed headfirst into such beautiful love that she spends each day asking if this really is her life?


He overwhelms us. That's what He does. It reminds us that we're dependent on His mercies, which are new with every sunrise. And they're new on the days when we can't even see the sunrise. But His overwhelming comes with such love. Such mercy. Such grace.

Lean on that, dear friend. Whatever overwhelms you today...whether it's a beautiful thing or a hard thing...lean on His grace!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Anthems, Tears, and More

I still have goose bumps from today's BLT show. Did you catch it? I love spending time with Lynne on the air. Today we ran the full gamut of laughter to tears and we loved sharing those moments with you. And from the emails we've gotten so far, sounds like we've struck a chord or two with you today!

For starters...Lynne and I confessed our undying love for anthems. I'm not sure why I love them so much. Perhaps because I grew up on hymns and still adore their deep swell at the end? Nothing gives me goose bumps in music quite like an anthem. And today we shared two of our faves. We couldn't leave them in the archived version of the show, so I thought I'd post them here so you can watch/listen if you'd like.

Here was Lynne's favorite song: The New Jerusalem. If you don't know, she loves Michael Card's writing, so this is one of his masterpieces.

And this one was mine...a beautiful song called I Then Shall Live. Gloria Gaither wrote the lyrics, and you might recognize the tune as being the same one as the church hymn Be Still My Soul. This version was sung by the Gaither Vocal Band and Signature Sound Quartet together. Powerful words. As I said during the show, this is what I hope my life represents...and when I get married, I want this song sung at our wedding. It's what I hope our marriage represents as well!

I also shared a little about journaling, since we'd gotten a question about that last week. Lynne and I both journal, and we both talked about what we include in our journals. Lynne shared some quotes and a sweet story from a church service she was in a couple of Christmases ago. And I shared (through a few tears - my apologies as you listen) - this journal excerpt I wrote about my nephew, who was stillborn 24 years ago next year. I wrote this on his 21st birthday.

And then, if you don't know, Lynne and I are NOT smarter than a 5th grader. Most days, it's questionable whether or not we're smarter than a kindergartner, actually. DO NOT MISS Lynne's story about how many feet are in 2 yardsticks and a ruler. HILARIOUS.

You don't even know how much we love hearing from you on these days (well, and all days). Join us next week for BLT? Every Thursday, we'll be back for more!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Being Brave

Did you catch this morning's Mid-Morning with Lynne and Dr. Hawkins? He is on our program every month to talk about relationships...and I so love his wisdom.

This morning, one of the topics they covered was that of jealousy/insecurity. Oh man. Do I ever know that! I would not categorize myself as an overly jealous person, but I will admit there have been (and are) times when I feel it rising in my heart until it touches my throat...and I hate that. And the insecurity that seems to be married to the jealousy...that feeling that history is about to crash in with a repetitive vengeance. You know it too, don't you?

Dr. Hawkins, who has no problem being vulnerable for the greater good of mankind, admitted out loud that sometimes he's insecure and jealous, but here's the great piece of hope he offered. In those moments when he struggles, he goes to his wife and admits his insecurity and she reaches out with such compassion and meets the need at hand so he can feel safe. And in so doing, their relationship is strengthened in trust.

Oh to have that kind of relationship! Oh to be brave enough to honestly say, "I'm scared." To be brave enough to accept the compassion offered back. To be brave enough to offer compassion rather than condemnation. THAT is the kind of marriage I want.

Relationships are brave things. They just are. To be healthy requires a sometimes uncomfortable level of honesty. What a gift we give each other (in ANY relationship - not just in a marriage) when we offer a place of safety where vulnerability and insecurity and hurt can be exposed and therefore healed.

Switching gears just a bit....

Did any of you go to the Selah concert Saturday night? I went (this time not as a worker but just as an attender) and LOVED IT. Selah is one of my favorite groups of all time and I'd never seen them live. The music was, as I expected...amazing.
But what always gets me is the stories behind those who sing. It's one thing to have a battle. It's another thing to stand on a stage before a room full of people and admit the battle out loud. Like Amy Perry, who shared the struggle of self-image, overeating, feeling at the end of her rope, finding clothes that should fit that don't, and not understanding what is happening to her body. While there were portions of her talk that didn't relate to me (because I've not had a baby), I SO understood what she was talking about. I've been there. But there was freedom in hearing someone stand on a stage and say the thoughts of my own heart. Made me know I wasn't alone.

Or Todd Smith...who didn't share his story this time, but has stood beside his wife, Angie Smith, many times to bravely share the story of deep grief and loss, when their baby girl Audrey Caroline died shortly after her birth. I read Angie's book when I was going through my desert of relationship loss, and while the details were different, I felt every bit of the same emotions and grief. And I'm thankful the two of them publicly shared their anguish, because I needed to know I wasn't alone.
And Allan Hall, the piano player of the I appreciated his sensitivity to sing a quiet song of the joy of seeing loved ones again in Heaven. From my perch at the end of my pew, I watched men and women around me choke back tears as they remembered losses still fresh in their heart, regardless of how long ago they took place. In his moment when he could have showcased his talent even more fully than he did...he chose to follow the Spirit's leading. Bravery. A chance for the hurting to know they weren't alone.
Life. It's this thing we do together. Where we're jealous and insecure and overcome by desires and run over by tragedy and socked by pain...and yet if we can just be brave enough to step up and say, Hey. I'm insecure and need your love today. I feel overwhelmed. My world just fell apart. I miss him...

...we just might find compassionate arms waiting to draw us in.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Behind the Scenes: BLT!

Did you catch it??? Today was our very first...(insert drumroll here...)




You know what? We had a blast!!! It was such fun. (Even the part where Lynne coerced me into talking about leg shaving. Seriously!?!?!?!?) As soon as she brought that up, the only thing I could think of was "Ohhhhhh my FATHER is listening to this!!!"

Here's how we prep for a BLT show:
Iced tea, baby!! We are huge fans of iced tea. (PS - sorry that I look like a drowned rat. If you heard the show, you heard that I cut some corners this morning and CLEARLY hair was one of them. Good grief.)

In case you missed is the verse Lynne shared (in response to Phats' question about what verse she would live by if she could only pick one verse) - Ephesians 2:10: For we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand to be our way life. A beautiful challenge to live by, I'd say!

Another great life-verse suggested by a listener - Micah 6:8: He has shown you, oh man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Here are the verses and quotes I shared, in case you were scribbling and missed part of it:

Exodus 14:13-14 - Do not fear! Stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord that He will provide for you today; for the Egyptians that you see today you will never, ever see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you can be still.

God is always calling us to open-ended obedience. - Steven Furtick

We are nearer to the heart of God when we break. God breaks us for better things...God calls us to shed the vow of protecting our hearts. - Mary DeMuth

Spiritual blessings must be balanced with burdens and battles lest we become pampered children instead of mature sons and daughters. - Warren Wiersbe

As for the rest of the show...there was much to learn, including a discussion on bad 80's hair, shaving legs (or not), my run-in with hotel security, Lynne's lost song, lessons God taught Lynne when she saw Michelangelo's David in person, and what I would do over in  life if I could have one a chance to hear from all of you on what to do with that pesky "who is next when a new checkout lane opens" rule that NO ONE follows correctly. You were such fun to talk with!

We'll be back every Thursday with a great new lineup...will you hang out with us?

I'll be here...
...and she'll be there...

...and we sure hope you'll join us!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hungry and Disorganized??

Then today's Mid-Morning was for you! We had our September Spots and Spotlights show today and it was so much FUN!! And if you're hungry and/or disorganized, it was the show for YOU! Check out the guests we welcomed:

* TAMMI McKEE, founder and head chef of Fort Wayne-based Comfort Food Delivered talked about her innovative business that delivers home-cooked comfort food right to your desk if you're around downtown Fort Wayne. You know those rainy, snowy days when you just don't want to go outside? She'll go outside for you!
If you would like to get on her mailing list to receive the daily memos of menus, email her at comfortfood260 (at) gmail (dot) com!

* ANITA CROOK, said she'd never had a creative thought in her life, but my goodness, when one hit her, it hit her in a big way! I'm the lover of the Mary Poppins purse. You know what I mean, right? A bag big enough to house a lamp and a mirror and...and...but the problem is...I lose things. It's a big cavern where phones and keys disappear...

BUT! Then along came Anita and her invention...the Pouchee...

BRILLIANT, I tell you. You can put all your essentials inside it. (It even has a credit card section so it can replace your wallet entirely!) And whenever you want to switch purses, you can just lift this little guy out and put him in the other purse. LOVE!!!!!!!

* JENNY PENTON has revolutionized the world formerly known as day planning. Her Planner Perfect Planner allows you to take back control of your schedule and life. She teaches a method of planning that allows you to dream big for your life and make full, detailed, long range plans while also keeping track of your to-do list and appointments. The planner is versatile and highly customizable. I ADORE this planner and am so glad I bought it!!
And if you missed it on the have a chance to win this organization system! Simply go to Jenny's blog (link above) and leave a comment...and then like her Facebook page to have a chance to win the planner! She will draw the winner's name on Monday, September 10th and announce the winner via Facebook!

* CHRIS DeSIMIO is the president of the Friends of the Harriet Beecher Stowe House. Located in Ohio, this historic landmark would make a great day trip for anyone who loves to see pieces of American history (or perhaps a field trip for homeschool students?).

* LAURA WILSON is the owner and chef of La Dolce Vita in Roanoke. She offers parties and classes...and she's been trained in a European Culinary School, so she has skills! She also has some things in stock at the store for purchase! Check out her website to see some of her videos, blog coverage of her adventures and parties - and to find out how you can enjoy some of her culinary goodness!

You're hungry now, aren't you?? Me too. Going to eat lunch! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

And We're Back!

Lynne and I were so spoiled this weekend...she had a five day weekend and I had a four day weekend. That's a pretty good return from an official three day weekend, wouldn't you say?

If you're here in the Fort Wayne area or just a bit south of here...can I recommend Mounds State Park in Anderson? I'd not been there since a youth group outing in junior high, and the beauty and serenity of the place was completely lost to me at that time in my life.

Beautiful trails:
Great little bridges and boardwalks:

And my favorite...WATER!!!

(Sorry about the hair. It grows in humidity.)

I love little getaways like me a chance to worship God through the beauty of His creation! And it is so nice to just step back from daily routines and love life in a different way for a few days!

But y'all!!!!!!!! It's no longer a 3, 4 or 5 day weekend. It's a new week and a new MONTH and we are so excited about the shows we've got coming your way.

If you missed today's...Lynne chatted with Kerri Zurbuch and Zonya Foco about wellness and nutrition. And even this frappe lover learned a few good things about topics still totally foreign to her!

Tomorrow is our monthly Spots and Spotlights show...and it is going to be SO FUN!! Five guests - five giveaways, and some great ideas you won't want to miss!
And then there's our Thursday show. We are SO excited about it. The very first ever calorie-free BLT! Bekah...Lynne...Thursday!

And we will wrap up our week on Friday with a Poiema People show. Poiema means "masterpiece" - and Lynne has a couple of guests whose life show what it means to live intentional, purposeful masterpieces of lives! You'll want to be sure to catch it!

Hope your long weekend was a good one...we love ya! Can't wait to hang out with you on BLT day!