Thursday, July 18, 2013

Transformed by an Empty Roll of TP

Confession: I used to be bothered when encountering an empty toilet paper roll. Enraged was more like it. Not a "Someone-might-find-themselves-stranded-on-the-throne-without-tp" frustration, but rather a "What-kind-of-yahoo-leaves-behind-an-empty-roll?!" agitation.

And you'll never guess where the bulk of these violations occurred: in the women's restroom at WBCL.

Shocking. I know.

For a several month period, it seemed every time I went into the lone stall in the woman's lavatory, an empty roll was there to torment me. In my mind, I ran through the list of my fellow female employees trying to deduce which of these lovely women could commit this crime against humanity.

What kind of adult woman who loves Jesus acts this way?

In this case, me. Until the Spirit of Jesus broke into my craziness with these words I'd memorized a couple of years ago: And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord hard and cheerfully at whatever you do as though you were working for the Lord rather than people (Colossians 3:17, 23).

Okay, Jesus. You've exposed my pride, yet again. Pride is behind every sin. It whispers, "Life is about you. ALWAYS about you...even in a restroom stall.

So you know what I did? First, I asked God to forgive me. Then, I asked Him to change my heart. His plan for transformation was ingenious: multiple opportunities to change empty toilet paper rolls. All of sudden, every bathroom I visited was flush with empty toilet paper rolls: gas stations, restaurants, church, my parents' home...I kid you not! The irony was not lost on me. As I'd replace a scratchy cardboard tube with a plush, full roll, I'd pray (and sincerely mean it) for the person who'd left it behind and offer my action as a gift of love to Jesus.

Anger over an empty tp roll may appear petty, and it is. So, why am I spilling my ugliness to you? Because I know that you have the same struggle, dear sister. Maybe not with an empty toilet paper roll, but with your own version of it. Sin, all sin, puts space between us and God and prevents the Spirit from working freely in us.

What's your "empty tp roll" issue? Confess it. Ask for forgiveness. And then ask God to transform you. He will. It's His great desire for you! Intimacy, peace, and a lightness of heart await!

P.S. I shared this story at a recent retreat with my Sisters in Spirit at Converse Church of Christ. These dear women sent me a little gift to remind me to say "Yes!" to Jesus in everything...including changing empty toilet paper rolls with a joyful spirit.

Thank you, friends, for these earrings that make toilet paper appear fashionable. I wear them with a grateful heart and a huge smile on my face.



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