Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The REST of the Story

I don't know how many of you heard last Thursday's BLT, but somewhere around the 24 minute mark in that show, Lynne and I started discussing the WBCL House Build partnership with Habitat for Humanity. My day to work the Habitat Build was this past Friday, and I told Lynne that I knew I would need a hard matter what I was doing. Like even if I was serving lunch, I was going to need that hard hat. I am, in a word: klutzy.

Lynne EVER so lovingly named me Stephanie Urkelette and said I would have to shuffle around the work site all day saying {all nasally of course} Did IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You know:

I joked on air about how I would ABSOLUTELY give the day my best Steve Urkel if only I had a pair of suspenders.


I'm about to tell you why you should never "if only" on the air: because somewhere, somehow, your mama is always listening.


She fired off a message to me that she would be happy...HAPPY!!!! find my dad's green snowman suspenders so I could do this Urkel thing at the Habitat site.

What could I do? I had "if only'd" on the air.

And so it was that Friday morning, before heading north to the Habitat site, I did my best Urkel and made Ryan take a picture.
He asked why I wasn't doing this at the Habitat site, and I told him that I was far too chicken to GO dressed as Urkel. I packed all the stuff in the car and promised that if listeners coming to volunteer that day wanted to know where the stuff was, I'd put it back on.

He actually felt that was a really wise decision.

And boy was it EVER. I knew before I went that there were going to be over 20 volunteers at the site that day, but what I did NOT know was that not a single one of them was affiliated with WBCL.

They were college students.

All of them.

A class doing a service project.

Twenty-five college students and one Bekah.

When I came home and told Ryan the story of the day, I ended with Can you even IMAGINE if I'd showed up dressed like Urkel?

My face is red just thinking about it.

THAT would have been my Did IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat moment!!!

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