Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Truth Will Set You Free . . . and Upset Some Christians

“I want to talk with you about today’s Mid-Morning,” began the voice mail left on my phone following Thursday’s show with Will Davis Jr., author of 10 Things Jesus Never Said. That type of statement usually means the caller appreciated the show and wants to tell me why.
This was not one of those calls. I could tell by her tone.
Bekah prayed with me (thank you, friend) and I called the woman – who left only her phone number, no name – back. She was surprised to hear from me, even though she was adamant about wanting to speak with me about the “horrible” show that “gave people permission to sin,” before threatening to pull her pledge, and then hanging up.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: Tell me what was said today that upset you.
Listener: That man said God knows all of our sins before we do them and that He forgives every sin.
Me: Do you believe the Bible says that?
Listener: Yes.
Me: Then why are you upset that Will said that on Mid-Morning?
Listener: Because he said God knows all of our sins before we do them and that He forgives every sin.
Me: Do you believe that the Bible teaches that and that Will was telling the truth?
Listener: Yes.
Me: Are you saying we shouldn’t tell people about those truths on Mid-Morning?
Listener: No, but when you say things like that people will think they can just go out and sin
Me: Will talked about that, quoting Paul…saying just because God lavishes grace on us, it doesn’t mean we go out and sin. In fact, God’s cross-love compels us to not sin…because we are so grateful for what He’s done for us.
Listener: Yes, but God is a jealous God and your guest didn’t mention that.
That’s when the Spirit turned on the light for me. This listening friend and I talked for quite a while beyond the conversation in this blog. What I heard in her voice was devotion to Jesus and a frustration with Christians who say they belong to Jesus but act as if they’ve never met Him. I get that. Truth be told, I sometimes feel that way myself. But what I also heard was fear. Fear to trust that God will do what He has promised: transform us by the power of His Spirit. All we need do is give ourselves to Him, moment by moment.
I grew up in a church that preached the saving love of God, but not the Father-fondness of a God that takes delight in me, is broken by my brokenness and wants me to know Him and rest in Him. Or to paraphrase Augustine (though this is pretty close to his original statement): Love God and do as you please.
The main message I received was, “You’re saved, now be good.”
That kind of Christianity sucks the life out of you. All these many years later – after much sinning, which I take full responsibility for, and a line-in-the-sand repentance moment – I choose to be hemmed in by God’s love, forgiveness and holiness, rather than my own rules, which will be too strident, stomping to death God-given  joy, pleasure and laughter, or too loose, allowing regular visits to the far country of sin.
Trust me, being hemmed in by God is like saying the continent of Australia is my home – and it’s not big enough for me. God offers freedom; sin enslaves us in a dark, cramped space.
I don’t know if my conversation with our listening friend changed how she feels about the straight-from-the-Bible truths Will Davis Jr. shared on Thursday’s Mid-Morning. When we re-air it later this year, I just may find out.
In the meantime I’m praying for her and thanking God for His servant, Will Davis Jr.
P.S. We’ve had many, many “Thank you for Will Davis Jr.” comments including a man from our bowling league who told me his story Saturday night! BTW, our team won four games and I got my average all three games. Color me happy.

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