Monday, December 5, 2011

Connect 2

Counselor Dr. David Hawkins is one of my favorite guests, a position he secured when, during our first interview, he referred to his choosing to act maturely as "putting on my big-boy pants."

Today's "Making Marriage Last" discussion examined things that break the connection between spouses (being argumentative and controlling, sarcasm and anger, to name a few) and things that enhance the connection, including empathy, compassion, validation and celebration.

Here's my "Fix Your Thoughts on This" (Philippians 4:8) for today:

Celebration weaves a deep connection between a husband and wife.

Life can be hard. Good grief, marriage can be hard. But celebration is marital Gatorade, providing refreshment and reestablishing balance to out-of-whack feelings. It helps us to "guard against a slowly building bitterness and resentment  in our souls" (Spiritual Disciplines Devotional).

Some days it's hard to find a reason to celebrate, but not right now. We are in the season of celebration. So grab your sweetie and do something fun and joyful. It will do your marriage and your soul, good.

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