Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Letting God Work

Catherine Hickem says that parenting is one of the ultimate forms of trusting God – because your kids are a piece of your heart walking outside your body.
I don’t have kids of my own, so I can’t understand how moms (or dads) feel when they watch their kids start to step out on their own, but I am a recovering control freak and can well imagine it’s a blend of frightening and maddening to watch them begin to take those first fledgling steps.
Catherine gave a magnificent example of a time when she had to let go of her own dream for her son’s life and embrace the dream GOD had for him, even though that dream took him to another country.
Last year when I went through my very difficult desert experience, I remember having several phone conversations with my own mother – most of which were filled with many tears on my part and much helplessness on her part. She frequently said to me, “Bekah, I just wish you could be happy again.”
I get that. If I were a mother, I am sure I would ache at the sound of my daughter’s tears and my mama’s heart would want to fix all her problems, dry her tears, and see her filled with joy once again.
But I finally said to her…What if there are things more important than being happy?
Don’t get me wrong. I wanted to be happy, too. I wanted that searing pain in my gut to leave. I wanted to get through a day – or even to ten in the morning – without sobbing. But amid all that, I could tell that God was on the move in my heart. A desperate, necessary move.
And I craved that.
I craved the intimacy I could feel God drawing me to…and I ached for Mom to be able to see around her mother’s-heart to understand that the only way I was going to heal…was to hurt first.
Parenting surely must be the hardest job in the world. But I say a hearty amen to Catherine’s message to moms. When God has a work to do in your child’s life, let Him work. Even if it means searing pain. Even if it means moving halfway around the world.
You can’t afford for your baby to NOT have God’s intervening hand at work.


  1. Your last statement is so powerful and true.

    Blessings to you!

  2. Thanks, Gaylene! I took a bit of a risk there since I don't have kids and probably have no right to say what parents can and cannot afford to have happen, but I still felt it was true! Blessings to YOU! - Bekah
